6 Comments on “Men’s Club Championship 2024 Information”

    1. Hi Mike,

      I believe you do but please check the criteria:

      Entry Criteria: Only members with handicaps registered at Chartridge Park Golf Club (Home Club) may
      enter these two competitions. Players on 3-month ‘introductory’ memberships may play but are not eligible
      to win either competition.
      Since the conclusion of the last Club Championships – Entrants must have played in:
      (a) A minimum of three Chartridge Park competitions* – one of which must have been in the 3
      months preceding the date of the forthcoming Club Championships, OR
      (b) A minimum of two Chartridge Park competitions* AND submitted at least two General Play cards
      for WHS purposes (from any course) – one of the Competition rounds or one of the General Play
      rounds (18-holes) must have been in the 3-months preceding the date of the forthcoming Club

      Thanks, Chris

  1. Hi Eric
    Pls signed me up for the club champs
    I don’t have a preferred partner so if you fit me in somewhere that would be great

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